Nano Research Hybrid Editors-in-Chief: Yadong Li, Shoushan Fan
Keyword: Parkinson’s disease
Research Article
Non-invasive delivery of levodopa-loaded nanoparticles to the brain via lymphatic vasculature to enhance treatment of Parkinson’s disease
Published: 05 January 2021
2021, 14 (8): 2749-2761
Research Article
SC79 promotes efficient entry of GDNF liposomes into brain parenchyma to repair dopamine neurons through reversible regulation of tight junction proteins
Published: 14 September 2022
2023, 16 (2): 2695-2705
Research Article
A STIR nucleic acid drug delivery system for stirring phenotypic switch of microglia in Parkinson’s disease treatments
Published: 14 February 2023
2023, 16 (5): 7216-7226
Research Article
Bioinspired metal-organic framework nanozyme reinforced with thermosensitive hydrogel for regulating inflammatory responses in Parkinson’s disease
Published: 20 December 2023
2024, 17 (2): 858-865
Total 4