Friction Open Access Editor-in-Chief: Jianbin Luo
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Keyword: surface coating
Research Article | Open Access
A new approach for prediction of the wear loss of PTA surface coatings using artificial neural network and basic, kernel-based, and weighted extreme learning machine
Published: 12 May 2020
2020, 8 (6): 1102-1116
Research Article | Open Access
Analysis of the coated and textured ring/liner conjunction based on a thermal mixed lubrication model
Published: 05 December 2017
2018, 6 (4): 420-431
Research Article | Open Access
Design and application of friction pair surface modification coating for remanufacturing
Published: 06 September 2017
2017, 5 (3): 351-360
Research Article | Open Access
Prediction of wear loss quantities of ferro-alloy coating using different machine learning algorithms
Published: 18 January 2019
2020, 8 (1): 107-114
Total 4