Friction Open Access Editor-in-Chief: Jianbin Luo
Home Friction Keyword
Keyword: coating
Research Article | Open Access
Effect of friction on the contact stress of a coated polymer gear
Published: 27 July 2020
2020, 8 (6): 1169-1177
Research Article | Open Access
Friction and wear behaviors of MoS2-multi-walled-carbon-nanotube hybrid reinforced polyurethane composite coating
Published: 28 July 2018
2019, 7 (4): 316-326
Research Article | Open Access
Tribology behavior on scratch tests: Effects of yield strength
Published: 07 March 2017
2017, 5 (1): 108-114
Research Article | Open Access
Dopamine hydrochloride and carboxymethyl chitosan coatings for multifilament surgical suture and their influence on friction during sliding contact with skin substitute
Published: 19 November 2018
2020, 8 (1): 58-69
Research Article | Open Access
Tribological behavior of polydopamine/polytetrafluoroethylene coating on laser textured stainless steel with Hilbert curves
Published: 17 November 2022
2023, 11 (7): 1307-1319
Research Article | Open Access
Tribological behavior of TiN, AlTiN, and AlTiCrN coatings in atmospheric and vacuum environments
Published: 29 August 2024
2024, 12 (11): 2611-2626
Total 6