Journal of Advanced Ceramics Open Access Editor-in-Chief: Longtu Li
Keyword: perovskite
Research Article | Open Access
Structure, morphology, and microwave dielectric properties of SmAlO3 synthesized by stearic acid route
Published: 22 June 2020
2020, 9 (5): 558-566
Review | Open Access
Innovative nanocrystal-based technologies for ceramic devices with novel electronic functions
Published: 08 September 2012
2012, 1 (2): 79-88
Research Article | Open Access
Structure and electrical properties of ternary BiFeO3-BaTiO3-PbTiO3 high-temperature piezoceramics
Published: 11 December 2012
2012, 1 (3): 227-231
Research Article | Open Access
Synthesis, sintering, and thermoelectric properties of the solid solution La1–xSrxCoOδ (0 ≤ x ≤ 1)
Published: 28 March 2018
2018, 7 (2): 160-168
Research Article | Open Access
Ba substitution for enhancement of the thermoelectric properties of LaCoO3 ceramics (0≤x≤0.75)
Published: 04 December 2019
2019, 8 (4): 519-526
Research Article | Open Access
Preparation and characterisation of perovskite La0.8Sr0.2Ga0.83Mg0.17O2.815 electrolyte using a poly(vinyl alcohol) polymeric method
Published: 01 June 2016
2016, 5 (2): 167-175
Research Article | Open Access
Synthesis of ferromagnetic La1-xSrxMnO3 nanoparticles by precipitation from diethylene glycol solution and their properties
Published: 29 June 2016
2016, 5 (3): 197-203
Research Article | Open Access
Cs3Bi2I9–hydroxyapatite composite waste forms for cesium and iodine immobilization
Published: 02 April 2022
2022, 11 (5): 712-728
Research Article | Open Access
Evaluation of stability and functionality of BaCe1-xInxO3-δ electrolyte in a wider range of indium concentration
Published: 12 January 2022
2022, 11 (3): 443-453
Research Article | Open Access
High-temperature transport properties of BaSn1-xScxO3-δ ceramic materials as promising electrolytes for protonic ceramic fuel cells
Published: 02 July 2022
2022, 11 (7): 1131-1143
Total 13