Tsinghua Science and Technology Open Access Editor-in-Chief: Jiaguang SUN
Keyword: MapReduce
Open Access
An Improved Algorithm for Optimizing MapReduce Based on Locality and Overlapping
Published: 15 October 2018
2018, 23 (6): 744-753
Open Access
M2M: A Simple Matlab-to-MapReduce Translator for Cloud Computing
Published: 07 February 2013
2013, 18 (1): 1-9
Open Access
TST: Threshold Based Similarity Transitivity Method in Collaborative Filtering with Cloud Computing
Published: 03 June 2013
2013, 18 (3): 318-327
Open Access
Dache: A Data Aware Caching for Big-Data Applications Using the MapReduce Framework
Published: 07 February 2014
2014, 19 (1): 39-50
Open Access
Towards a Cost-Efficient MapReduce: Mitigating Power Peaks for Hadoop Clusters
Published: 07 February 2014
2014, 19 (1): 24-32
Open Access
Network Motif Detection: Algorithms, Parallel and Cloud Computing, and Related Tools
Published: 03 October 2013
2013, 18 (5): 469-489
Open Access
MR-IDPSO: A Novel Algorithm for Large-Scale Dynamic Service Composition
Published: 17 December 2015
2015, 20 (6): 602-612
Total 7