Friction Open Access Editor-in-Chief: Jianbin Luo
Home Friction Keyword
Keyword: carbon nanotubes
Research Article | Open Access
Study on frictional behavior of carbon nanotube thin films with respect to surface condition
Published: 28 December 2017
2018, 6 (4): 432-442
Research Article | Open Access
Effect of carbon nanotubes on friction and wear of a piston ring and cylinder liner system under dry and lubricated conditions
Published: 05 November 2016
2017, 5 (2): 147-154
Research Article | Open Access
Tribological response of an epoxy matrix filled with graphite and/or carbon nanotubes
Published: 26 April 2017
2017, 5 (2): 171-182
Research Article | Open Access
Influence of structural depth of laser-patterned steel surfaces on the solid lubricity of carbon nanoparticle coatings
Published: 21 August 2022
2023, 11 (7): 1276-1291
Research Article | Open Access
Tribological behaviour of Fe3C-CNT bilayers grown by plasma-induced metal dusting: Insights into the effect of nanotubes catalyst particles on friction and wear
Available online: 02 September 2024
Total 5