Journal of Advanced Ceramics Open Access Editor-in-Chief: Longtu Li
Keyword: thermal shock resistance
Research Article | Open Access
Enhanced mechanical properties and thermal shock resistance of Si2BC3N ceramics with SiC coated MWCNTs
Published: 13 March 2019
2019, 8 (1): 121-132
Research Article | Open Access
Optimal design on the high-temperature mechanical properties of porous alumina ceramics based on fractal dimension analysis
Published: 02 March 2018
2018, 7 (2): 89-98
Research Article | Open Access
Enhanced thermal shock and oxidation resistance of Si2BC3N ceramics through MWCNTs incorporation
Published: 10 October 2018
2018, 7 (3): 276-288
Research Article | Open Access
Microstructural evolution and performance of carbon fiber-toughened ZrB2 ceramics with SiC or ZrSi2 additive
Published: 21 November 2018
2018, 7 (4): 343-351
Research Article | Open Access
Preparation and characterization of high-performance ZrB2-SiC-Cf composites sintered at 1450 °C
Published: 17 May 2017
2017, 6 (2): 110-119
Research Article | Open Access
Fabrication and oxidation resistance of mullite/yttrium silicate multilayer coatings on C/SiC composites
Published: 19 December 2017
2017, 6 (4): 360-367
Research Article | Open Access
Normalized evaluation of thermal shock resistance for ceramic materials
Published: 02 September 2014
2014, 3 (3): 250-258
Research Article | Open Access
Modification of YSZ fiber composites by Al2TiO5 fibers for high thermal shock resistance
Published: 01 April 2022
2022, 11 (6): 922-934
Research Article | Open Access
Layer-structured Cr/CrxN coating via electroplating-based nitridation achieving high deuterium resistance as the hydrogen permeation barrier
Published: 29 November 2022
2022, 11 (12): 1944-1955
Research Article | Open Access
Efficient fabrication of light Cf/SiHfBOC composites with excellent thermal shock resistance and ultra-high-temperature ablation up to 1800 °C
Published: 24 November 2023
2023, 12 (11): 2062-2074
Total 10