Journal of Advanced Ceramics Open Access Editor-in-Chief: Longtu Li
Keyword: phase transitions
Research Article | Open Access
Thermal expansion behavior, phase transitions and some physico-mechanical characteristics of fired doped rice husk silica refractory
Published: 06 April 2013
2013, 2 (1): 79-86
Research Article | Open Access
A new insight into structural complexity in ferroelectric ceramics
Published: 29 September 2017
2017, 6 (3): 262-268
Research Article | Open Access
Lattice evolution, order transformation, and microwave dielectric properties of the Zn1−xLi2xTiO3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) system ceramics
Published: 30 August 2024
2024, 13 (8): 1178-1188
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