Nano Research Hybrid Editors-in-Chief: Yadong Li, Shoushan Fan
Keyword: alloy
Research Article
Free-standing palladium-nickel alloy wavy nanosheets
Published: 01 June 2016
2016, 9 (8): 2244-2250
Research Article
Three-dimensional hierarchical Pt-Cu superstructures
Published: 20 September 2014
2015, 8 (3): 832-838
Research Article
First-principles computational study of highly stable and active ternary PtCuNi nanocatalyst for oxygen reduction reaction
Published: 11 September 2015
2015, 8 (10): 3394-3403
Research Article
Bandgap-tunable lateral and vertical heterostructures based on monolayer Mo1-xWxS2 alloys
Published: 26 August 2015
2015, 8 (10): 3261-3271
Research Article | Open Access
In-situ characterization of metal nanoparticles and their organic coatings using laser-vaporization aerosol mass spectrometry
Published: 14 November 2015
2015, 8 (12): 3780-3795
Research Article
Construction of Pd-M (M = Ni, Ag, Cu) alloy surfaces for catalytic applications
Published: 19 August 2017
2018, 11 (2): 780-790
Research Article
Sub-2.0-nm Ru and composition-tunable RuPt nanowire networks
Published: 20 August 2016
2016, 9 (10): 3066-3074
Research Article
Pt3Ag alloy wavy nanowires as highly effective electrocatalysts for ethanol oxidation reaction
Published: 07 April 2020
2020, 13 (5): 1472-1478
Research Article | Open Access
PtAu Bimetallic Heteronanostructures Made by Post-Synthesis Modification of Pt-on-Au Nanoparticles
Published: 01 May 2009
2009, 2 (5): 406-415
Research Article
Enhanced microwave absorption performance of highly dispersed CoNi nanostructures arrayed on graphene
Published: 12 May 2018
2018, 11 (5): 2689-2704
Total 15