Journal of Neurorestoratology Open Access Editors-in-Chief: Hongyun Huang, Luming Li
Keyword: cell transplantation
Review Article | Open Access
The cell repair research for Parkinson’s disease: A systematic review
Published: 04 August 2020
2020, 8 (2): 93-103
Review Article | Open Access
The cell repair research of spinal cord injury: a review of cell transplantation to treat spinal cord injury
Published: 22 July 2019
2019, 7 (2): 55-62
Research Article | Open Access
Ten years of clinical observation of olfactory ensheathing cell transplantation in patients with spinal cord injury
Published: 05 June 2021
2021, 9 (2): 106-116
Highlight | Open Access
Highlights for the 10th Annual Conference of the International Association of Neurorestoratology
Published: 09 November 2018
2018, 6 (1): 84-87
Research Article | Open Access
Translational experience of 28 years of use of the technologies of regenerative medicine to treat complex consequences of the brain and spinal cord trauma: Results, problems and conclusions
Published: 09 November 2018
2018, 6 (1): 99-114
Original Research | Open Access
The role of hSCs in promoting neural differentiation of hUC-MSCs in spinal cord injury
Published: 08 November 2013
2013, 1 (1): 55-61
Original Research | Open Access
Therapeutic effects of NogoA vaccine and olfactory ensheathing glial cell implantation on acute spinal cord injury
Published: 25 October 2013
2013, 1 (1): 43-53
Review | Open Access
Review of recently documented clinical neuroprotective and cellular treatment for spinal cord injury: an analysis of outcomes
Published: 05 December 2013
2014, 2 (1): 15-24
Review | Open Access
Clinical neurorestorative progress in Parkinson’s disease
Published: 30 June 2015
2015, 3 (1): 101-107
Review | Open Access
Clinical neurorestorative progress in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Published: 06 August 2015
2015, 3 (1): 109-114
Total 14