Journal of Advanced Ceramics Open Access Editor-in-Chief: Longtu Li
Keyword: luminescence
Research Article | Open Access
Color tunable Ba0.79Al10.9O17.14:xEu phosphor prepared in air via valence state control
Published: 06 May 2017
2017, 6 (2): 81-89
Review Article | Open Access
Recent progress in layered rare-earth hydroxide (LRH) and its application in luminescence
Published: 29 September 2017
2017, 6 (3): 177-186
Research Article | Open Access
Strong ferroelectric and luminescence properties of 0–3 type 0.8BaTiO3–0.2CaTiO3:Pr3+ composite ceramics prepared by cold sintering process
Published: 30 July 2024
2024, 13 (7): 1002-1010
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