Journal of Neurorestoratology Open Access Editors-in-Chief: Hongyun Huang, Luming Li
Keyword: standardization
Methodology | Open Access
Neurorestorative clinical application standards for the culture and quality control of neural progenitor/precursor cells (version 2017)
Published: 09 November 2018
2018, 6 (1): 115-119
Expert Opinion | Open Access
Standards for the culture and quality control of umbilical cord mesenchymal stromal cells for neurorestorative clinical application (2017)
Published: 26 June 2018
2018, 6 (1): 11-15
Expert Opinion | Open Access
Neurorestorative clinical application standards for the culture and quality control of olfactory ensheathing cells
Published: 22 September 2017
2017, 5 (1): 175-179
Total 3