Advances in Geo-Energy Research Open Access Editors-in-Chief: Prof. Jianchao Cai, Prof. David A. Wood, Prof. Derek Elsworth, Prof. Suping Peng
Keyword: pore structure
Original Article | Open Access
A unified apparent porosity/permeability model of organic porous media: Coupling complex pore structure and multimigration mechanism
Published: 11 March 2020
2020, 4 (2): 115-125
Original Article | Open Access
Effects of pore connectivity and water saturation on matrix permeability of deep gas shale
Published: 03 January 2022
2022, 6 (1): 54-68
Original Article | Open Access
Experimental study on the isothermal adsorption of methane gas in natural gas hydrate argillaceous silt reservoir
Published: 14 February 2022
2022, 6 (2): 143-156
Editorial | Open Access
Multiscale and multiphysics influences on fluids in unconventional reservoirs: Modeling and simulation
Published: 03 March 2022
2022, 6 (2): 91-94
Original Article | Open Access
Characterization and capillary pressure curve estimation of clayey-silt sediment in gas hydrate reservoirs of the South China Sea
Published: 20 December 2023
2023, 10 (3): 200-207
Original Article | Open Access
Correlations of residual oil distribution with pore structure during the water flooding process in sandstone reservoirs
Published: 12 April 2024
2024, 12 (2): 113-126
Original Article | Open Access
Identification and parameter characterization of pores and fractures in shales based on multi-scale digital core data
Published: 01 August 2024
2024, 13 (2): 146-160
Total 7