Advances in Geo-Energy Research Open Access Editors-in-Chief: Prof. Jianchao Cai, Prof. David A. Wood, Prof. Derek Elsworth, Prof. Suping Peng
Keyword: Digital core
Invited Review | Open Access
Applications of digital core analysis and hydraulic flow units in petrophysical characterization
Published: 25 June 2017
2017, 1 (1): 18-30
Original Article | Open Access
Reconstruction of shale image based on Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Networks with gradient penalty
Published: 09 March 2020
2020, 4 (1): 107-114
Original Article | Open Access
Microscopic remaining oil distribution and quantitative analysis of polymer flooding based on CT scanning
Published: 15 December 2019
2019, 3 (4): 448-456
Original Article | Open Access
Pore-scale remaining oil distribution under different pore volume water injection based on CT technology
Published: 25 December 2017
2017, 1 (3): 171-181
Original Article | Open Access
Investigation of coal elastic properties based on digital core technology and finite element method
Published: 02 February 2021
2021, 5 (1): 53-63
Short Communication | Open Access
Effects of microfractures on permeability in carbonate rocks based on digital core technology
Published: 19 January 2022
2022, 6 (1): 86-90
Research Highlight | Open Access
Characterization of pore systems in fine-grained carbonate rocks using digital core technology
Published: 16 March 2024
2024, 12 (1): 77-80
Original Article | Open Access
Identification and parameter characterization of pores and fractures in shales based on multi-scale digital core data
Published: 01 August 2024
2024, 13 (2): 146-160
Total 8