Avian Research Open Access Editor-in-Chief: Fumin Lei
Keyword: Microsatellite
Methodology | Open Access
Noninvasive and nondestructive sampling for avian microsatellite genotyping: a case study on the vulnerable Chinese Egret (Egretta eulophotes)
Published: 04 September 2015
2015, 6 (1): 24
Research | Open Access
High level of extra-pair paternity in the socially monogamous Marsh Tits (Poecile palustris)
Published: 02 December 2021
2021, 12 (1): 69
Research Article | Open Access
A high level of extra-pair paternity in the Chestnut Thrush (Turdus rubrocanus)
Published: 16 September 2023
2023, 14 (4): 100135
Total 3