Friction Open Access Editor-in-Chief: Jianbin Luo
Home Friction Keyword
Keyword: friction control
Research Article | Open Access
Active control of friction realized by vibrational excitation: Numerical simulation based on the Prandtl–Tomlinson model and molecular dynamics
Published: 19 November 2022
2023, 11 (7): 1225-1238
Review Article | Open Access
Advances in friction of aluminium alloy deep drawing
Published: 04 July 2023
2024, 12 (3): 396-427
Research Article | Open Access
Controlling interfacial lubrication: Modulating MXene-based hydrogel properties with near-infrared light
Available online: 18 June 2024
Research Article
Exploring the relevance between load-bearing capacity and surface friction behavior based on a layered hydrogel cartilage prototype
Published: 06 April 2024
2024, 12 (8): 1757-1770
Total 4