Forest Ecosystems Open Access Editors-in-Chief: John A. Kershaw, Osbert Jianxin Sun
Keyword: Forest restoration
Discussion | Open Access
A decision framework for identifying models to estimate forest ecosystem services gains from restoration
Published: 10 February 2016
2016, 3 (2): 3
Review | Open Access
Conceptual models of forest dynamics in environmental education and management: keep it as simple as possible, but no simpler
Published: 05 August 2016
2016, 3 (4): 18
Research | Open Access
Impact of Robinia pseudoacacia stand conversion on soil properties and bacterial community composition in Mount Tai, China
Published: 03 March 2021
2021, 8 (2): 19
Research | Open Access
Linkage of microbial living communities and residues to soil organic carbon accumulation along a forest restoration gradient in southern China
Published: 20 August 2021
2021, 8 (4): 57
Total 4