Keyword: traffic engineering
Open Access
Research on Existing Problems and Solutions on Last Mile Logistics Under the Context of Rural Revitalization in China
Published: 30 March 2024
2024, 18 (1): 11-16
Open Access
Multi-modal Travel Simulation and Travel Behavior Analysis: Case Study in Shanghai
Published: 30 March 2024
2024, 18 (1): 17-26
Open Access
Resilience Analysis of Multi-Modal Transportation Networks: A Case Study of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region
Published: 30 June 2024
2024, 18 (2): 76-81
Open Access
Using License Plate Recognition Data to Gain Insight into Urban Travel Time Distributions
Published: 30 June 2024
2024, 18 (2): 56-66
Open Access
An Improved Spatio-Temporal Network Traffic Flow Prediction Method Based on Impedance Matrix
Published: 30 June 2024
2024, 18 (2): 67-75
Open Access
Vehicle Trajectory Generation Based on Generation Adversarial Network
Published: 30 June 2024
2024, 18 (2): 82-88
Total 6