Food Science and Human Wellness Open Access Editor-in-Chief: Bin Cong
Keyword: Intestinal inflammation
Research Article | Open Access
Safety assessment of monosodium glutamate based on intestinal function and flora in mice
Published: 11 September 2021
2022, 11 (1): 155-164
Research Article | Open Access
Sulforaphane attenuates dextran sodium sulphate induced intestinal inflammation via IL-10/STAT3 signaling mediated macrophage phenotype switching
Published: 11 September 2021
2022, 11 (1): 129-142
Research Article | Open Access
Exploiting neonatal host–bifidobacteria interactions to promote intestinal pathogen tolerance and barrier function: Bifidobacterium longum subsp. infantis outperforms Bifidobacterium adolescentis in anti-Salmonella activity and maintenance of intestinal homeostasis
Available online: 09 May 2024
Research Article | Open Access
Encapsulated ferric pyrophosphate improves intestinal inflammation and gut flora disorder in suckling rats with iron deficiency anemia
Available online: 17 July 2024
Total 4