Genes & Diseases Open Access Editors-in-Chief: Ailong Huang, Tong-Chuan He
Keyword: PTEN
Full Length Article | Open Access
PTEN and AKT/GSK-3β/CRMP-2 signaling pathway are involved in neuronal apoptosis and axonal injury in early brain injury after SAH in rats
Published: 18 June 2020
2022, 9 (1): 252-267
Review Article | Open Access
Synthetic lethal approaches to target cancers with loss of PTEN function
Published: 01 February 2023
2023, 10 (6): 2511-2527
Research Article | Open Access
Tetrandrine inhibits proliferation of colon cancer cells by BMP9/ PTEN/ PI3K/AKT signaling
Published: 08 November 2019
2021, 8 (3): 373-383
Full Length Article | Open Access
Mapk7 deletion in chondrocytes causes vertebral defects by reducing MEF2C/PTEN/AKT signaling
Published: 24 March 2023
2024, 11 (2): 964-977
Total 4