Biophysics Reports Open Access Editor-in-Chief: Tao Xu
Keyword: Liquid–liquid phase separation
Protocol | Open Access
Characterization of liquid–liquid phase separation using super-resolution and single-molecule imaging
Published: 17 March 2022
2022, 8 (1): 2-13
Protocol | Open Access
Theoretical modelling of liquid–liquid phase separation: from particle-based to field-based simulation
Published: 25 March 2022
2022, 8 (2): 55-67
Review | Open Access
Principles of fluorescence correlation spectroscopy applied to studies of biomolecular liquid–liquid phase separation
Published: 25 March 2022
2022, 8 (2): 100-118
Protocol | Open Access
Driving force of biomolecular liquid–liquid phase separation probed by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
Published: 21 January 2022
2022, 8 (2): 90-99
Total 4