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Research Article

Leveraging the analysis of parametric uncertainty for building energy model calibration

Zheng O’Neill1,2( )Bryan Eisenhower3
United Technologies Research Center, East Hartford, CT 06108, USA
Present address: Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Alabama, Box 870276, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487, USA
University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106, USA
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Calibrated energy models are used for measurement and verification of building retrofit projects, predictions of savings from energy conservation measures, and commissioning building systems (both prior to occupancy and during real-time model based performance monitoring, controls and diagnostics). This paper presents a systematic and automated way to calibrate a building energy model. Efficient parameter sampling is used to analyze more than two thousand model parameters and identify which of these are critical (most important) for model tuning. The parameters that most affect the building’s energy end-use are selected and automatically refined to calibrate the model by applying an analytic meta-model based optimization. Real-time data from an office building, including weather and energy meter data in 2010, was used for the model calibration, while 2011 data was used for the model verification. The modeling process, calibration and verification results, as well as implementation issues encountered throughout the model calibration process from a user’s perspective are discussed. The total facility and plug electricity consumption predictions from the calibrated model match the actual measured monthly data within ±5%. The calibrated model gives 2.80% of Coefficient of Variation of Root Mean Squared Error (CV (RMSE)) and -2.31% of Normalized Mean Bias Error (NMBE) for the whole building monthly electricity use, which is acceptable based on the ASHRAE Guideline 14-2002. In this work we use EnergyPlus as a modeling tool, while the method can be used with other modeling tools equally as well.


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Building Simulation
Pages 365-377
Cite this article:
O’Neill Z, Eisenhower B. Leveraging the analysis of parametric uncertainty for building energy model calibration. Building Simulation, 2013, 6(4): 365-377.






Web of Science






Received: 27 November 2012
Revised: 22 January 2013
Accepted: 19 February 2013
Published: 12 September 2013
© Tsinghua University Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013