Review Article Issue
A critical review of fault modeling of HVAC systems in buildings
Building Simulation 2018, 11 (5): 953-975
Published: 14 July 2018
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Buildings consumed about 40% of primary energy and 70% of the electricity in the U.S. It is well known that most buildings lose a portion of their desired and designed energy efficiency in the years after they are commissioned or recommissioned. Majority of the Heating, Ventilation, and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) systems have multiple faults residing in the systems causing either energy, thermal comfort, or indoor air quality penalties. There are hundreds of fault detection and diagnostics (FDD) algorithms available, but there is lacking a common framework to assess and validate those FDD algorithms. Fault modeling is one of the key components of such a framework. In general, fault modeling has two purposes: testing and assessment of FDD algorithms, and fault impacts analysis in terms of building energy consumption and occupants’ thermal comfort. It is expected that fault ranking from the fault impact analysis can facilitate building facility managers to make decisions. This paper provides a detailed review of current state-of-the-art for the fault modeling of HVAC systems in buildings, including fault model, fault occurrence probability, and fault simulation platform. Fault simulations considering fault occurrence probability can generate realistic faulty data across a variety of faulty operating conditions, and facilitate testing and assessment of different FDD algorithms. They can also help the fault impact study. Three research gaps are identified through this critical literature review: (1) The number of available fault models of HVAC systems is still limited. A fault model library could be developed to cover all common HVAC faults for both traditional and non-traditional HVAC systems. (2) It is imperative to include the fault occurrence probability in fault simulations for a realistic fault impacts analysis such as fault ranking. (3) Fault simulation platforms need further improvements to better facilitate the fault impact analysis.

Research Article Issue
Data-driven based estimation of HVAC energy consumption using an improved Fourier series decomposition in buildings
Building Simulation 2018, 11 (4): 633-645
Published: 24 January 2018
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Many data-driven algorithms are being explored in the field of building energy performance estimation. Choosing an appropriate method for a specific case is critical to guarantee a successful energy operation management such as measurement and verification. Currently, little research work on assessment of different data-driven algorithms using real time measurement data sets is available. In this paper, five commonly used data-driven algorithms, ARX, SS, N4S, discretized variable BN and continuous variable BN, are used to estimate HVAC related electricity energy consumption in a university dormitory. In practice, total energy consumption data is easily accessible, while separated HVAC energy consumption data is not commonly available due to expensive sub-metering and/or the complexity of mechanical and electrical layouts. A virtual sub-meter based on a decomposition method is proposed to separate HVAC energy consumption from the total building energy consumption, which is derived from an improved Fourier series based decomposition method.

Research Article Issue
Leveraging the analysis of parametric uncertainty for building energy model calibration
Building Simulation 2013, 6 (4): 365-377
Published: 12 September 2013
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Calibrated energy models are used for measurement and verification of building retrofit projects, predictions of savings from energy conservation measures, and commissioning building systems (both prior to occupancy and during real-time model based performance monitoring, controls and diagnostics). This paper presents a systematic and automated way to calibrate a building energy model. Efficient parameter sampling is used to analyze more than two thousand model parameters and identify which of these are critical (most important) for model tuning. The parameters that most affect the building’s energy end-use are selected and automatically refined to calibrate the model by applying an analytic meta-model based optimization. Real-time data from an office building, including weather and energy meter data in 2010, was used for the model calibration, while 2011 data was used for the model verification. The modeling process, calibration and verification results, as well as implementation issues encountered throughout the model calibration process from a user’s perspective are discussed. The total facility and plug electricity consumption predictions from the calibrated model match the actual measured monthly data within ±5%. The calibrated model gives 2.80% of Coefficient of Variation of Root Mean Squared Error (CV (RMSE)) and -2.31% of Normalized Mean Bias Error (NMBE) for the whole building monthly electricity use, which is acceptable based on the ASHRAE Guideline 14-2002. In this work we use EnergyPlus as a modeling tool, while the method can be used with other modeling tools equally as well.

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