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Research Article

On the use of particle-wall interaction models to predict particle-laden flow in 90-deg bends

Marcos Batistella Lopes1Viviana Cocco Mariani1,2( )Kátia Cordeiro Mendonça3Claudine Béghein4
Pontifical Catholic University of Parana, PPGEM, Curitiba, Brazil
Federal University of Parana, Department of Electrical Engineering, Curitiba, Brazil
CESI Engineering School, LINEACT, Lagord, France
University of La Rochelle, LaSIE UMR 7356 CNRS, La Rochelle, France
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The objective of this work is to evaluate the capability of different combinations of a turbulence model and a Lagrangian particle tracking (LPT) model integrating a particle-wall interaction (PWI) model to predict particle-laden flow in 90-deg bends, as well as the impact of the PWI model on the prediction of the referred flow. The experimental data from Kliafas and Holt (1987) (LDV measurements of a turbulent air-solid two-phase flow in a 90° bend. Experiments in Fluids, 5: 73-85) concerning a vertical to horizontal square-sectioned duct with a hydraulic diameter of 0.1 m that are connected by a 90-deg bend with a curvature ratio of 3.52, served as the benchmark for the aimed analysis. Air with glass spheres of 50 μm diameter flows in the experimental duct system with a Reynolds number of 3.47×105. The airflow was modelled by four different turbulence models: a low Reynolds number k-ε model, the SST k-ω model, the v2-f model, and the RSM SSG model. The particle-phase was modelled by a LPT formulation, and the particle-wall interaction was calculated using four different models: Brauer, Grant & Tabakoff, Matsumoto & Saito and Brach & Dunn PWI models. The 3D simulation results of mean streamwise velocities from the sixteen RANS-LPT/PWI combinations were compared qualitatively and quantitatively to experimental and numerical data available in the literature. The four turbulence models produced errors for the gas-phase in the order of 8%. Concerning the particle-phase, the errors produced by all RANS-LPT/PWI combinations were below 4% for bend angles up to 15° and up to 18% for bend angles higher than 30°. The best results for the particle-phase were obtained with the SST k-ω and v2-f model combined with the LPT/Brauer or LPT/Brach & Dunn PWI models, which produced errors inferior to 14%.


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Building Simulation
Pages 913-929
Cite this article:
Lopes MB, Mariani VC, Mendonça KC, et al. On the use of particle-wall interaction models to predict particle-laden flow in 90-deg bends. Building Simulation, 2020, 13(4): 913-929.






Web of Science






Received: 25 September 2019
Accepted: 25 February 2020
Published: 17 April 2020
© Tsinghua University Press and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2020