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Research Article

Optoelectronic switching of nanowire-based hybrid organic/oxide/semiconductor field-effect transistors

Eunhye Baek1Sebastian Pregl1,2Mehrdad Shaygan3Lotta Römhildt1Walter M. Weber2,4Thomas Mikolajick2,4Dmitry A. Ryndyk1,2,5Larysa Baraban1( )Gianaurelio Cuniberti1,2,5( )
Institute for Materials Science and Max Bergmann Center of BiomaterialsTU Dresden01062Dresden, Germany
Center for Advancing Electronics DresdenTU Dresden01062Dresden, Germany
Division of IT Convergence EngineeringPohang University of Science and TechnologyPohangKorea
NaMLab GmbHN?thnitzer Strasse 6401187Dresden, Germany
Dresden Center for Computational Materials ScienceTU Dresden01062Dresden, Germany
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A novel photosensitive hybrid field-effect transistor (FET) which consists of a multiple-shell of organic porphyrin film/oxide/silicon nanowires is presented. Due to the oxide shell around the nanowires, photoswitching of the current in the hybrid nanodevices is guided by the electric field effect, induced by charge redistribution within the organic film. This principle is an alternative to a photoinduced electron injection, valid for devices relying on direct junctions between organic molecules and metals or semiconductors. The switching dynamics of the hybrid nanodevices upon violet light illumination is investigated and a strong dependence on the thickness of the porphyrin film wrapping the nanowires is found. Furthermore, the thickness of the organic films is found to be a crucial parameter also for the switching efficiency of the nanowire FET, represented by the ratio of currents under light illumination (ON) and in dark conditions (OFF). We suggest a simple model of porphyrin film charging to explain the optoelectronic behavior of nanowire FETs mediated by organic film/oxide/semiconductor junctions.

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Nano Research
Pages 1229-1240
Cite this article:
Baek E, Pregl S, Shaygan M, et al. Optoelectronic switching of nanowire-based hybrid organic/oxide/semiconductor field-effect transistors. Nano Research, 2015, 8(4): 1229-1240.






Web of Science






Received: 30 June 2014
Revised: 24 September 2014
Accepted: 10 October 2014
Published: 22 November 2014
© Tsinghua University Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014