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Extreme biomimetic approach for developing novel chitin-GeO2 nanocomposites with photoluminescent properties

Marcin Wysokowski1Mykhailo Motylenko2Jan Beyer3Anna Makarova4Hartmut Stöcker5Juliane Walter5Roberta Galli6Sabine Kaiser5Denis Vyalikh4,7Vasilii V. Bazhenov5()Iaroslav Petrenko5Allison L. Stelling8Serguei L. Molodtsov5,9,10Dawid Stawski11Krzysztof J. Kurzydłowski12Enrico Langer13Mikhail V. Tsurkan14Teofil Jesionowski1Johannes Heitmann3Dirk C. Meyer5Hermann Ehrlich5()
Institute of Chemical Technology and EngineeringPoznan University of Technology60965Poznan, Poland
Institute of Materials ScienceTU Bergakademie Freiberg09599Freiberg, Germany
Institute of Applied PhysicsTU Bergakademie Freiberg09599Freiberg, Germany
Institute of Solid State PhysicsDresden University of Technology01069Dresden, Germany
Institute of Experimental PhysicsTU Bergakademie Freiberg09599Freiberg, Germany
Faculty of Medicine Carl Gustav CarusDepartment of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care MedicineClinical Sensoring and MonitoringTU Dresden01069Dresden, Germany
Department of PhysicsSt. Petersburg State University198504St. Petersburg, Russia
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials ScienceDuke University27708Durham, NC, USA
European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Facility (XFEL) GmbH22761Hamburg, Germany
ITMO University197101St. Petersburg, Russia
Department of Commodity and Material Sciences and Textile MetrologyTechnical University of Lodz90924Lódź, Poland
Materials Design GroupFaculty of Materials Science and EngineeringWarsaw University of TechnologyPL-02507, WarsawPoland
Institute of Semiconductors and MicrosystemsTU Dresden01062Dresden, Germany
Leibniz Institute of Polymer ResearchMax Bergmann Centre for Biomaterials01062Dresden, Germany
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This work presents an extreme biomimetics route for the creation of nanostructured biocomposites utilizing a chitinous template of poriferan origin. The specific thermal stability of the nanostructured chitinous template allowed for the formation under hydrothermal conditions of a novel germanium oxide-chitin composite with a defined nanoscale structure. Using a variety of analytical techniques (FTIR, Raman, energy dispersive X-ray (EDX), near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS), and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy, EDS-mapping, selected area for the electron diffraction pattern (SAEDP), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM)), we showed that this bioorganic scaffold induces the growth of GeO2 nanocrystals with a narrow (150–300 nm) size distribution and predominantly hexagonal phase, demonstrating the chitin template's control over the crystal morphology. The formed GeO2–chitin composite showed several specific physical properties, such as a striking enhancement in photoluminescence exceeding values previously reported in GeO2-based biomaterials. These data demonstrate the potential of extreme biomimetics for developing new-generation nanostructured materials.

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Nano Research
Pages 2288-2301
Cite this article:
Wysokowski M, Motylenko M, Beyer J, et al. Extreme biomimetic approach for developing novel chitin-GeO2 nanocomposites with photoluminescent properties. Nano Research, 2015, 8(7): 2288-2301.
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