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Iron sulfide is an attractive anode material for lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) due to its high specific capacity, environmental benignity, and abundant resources. However, its application is hindered by poor cyclability and rate performance, caused by a large volume variation and low conductivity. Herein, iron sulfide porous nanowires confined in an N-doped carbon matrix (FeS@N-C nanowires) are fabricated through a simple amine-assisted solvothermal reaction and subsequent calcination strategy. The as-obtained FeS@N-C nanowires, as an LIB anode, exhibit ultrahigh reversible capacity, superior rate capability, and long-term cycling performance. In particular, a high specific capacity of 1, 061 mAh·g-1 can be achieved at 1 A·g-1 after 500 cycles. Most impressively, it exhibits a high specific capacity of 433 mAh·g-1 even at 5 A·g-1. The superior electrochemical performance is ascribed to the synergistic effect of the porous nanowire structure and the conductive N-doped carbon matrix. These results demonstrate that the synergistic strategy of combining porous nanowires with an N-doped carbon matrix holds great potential for energy storage.
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