Graphical Abstract

Relative navigation is crucial for spacecraft noncooperative rendezvous, and angles-only navigation using visible and infrared cameras provides a feasible solution. Herein, an angles-only navigation algorithm with multisensor data fusion is proposed to derive the relative motion states between two noncooperative spacecraft. First, the design model of the proposed algorithm is introduced, including the derivation of the state propagation and measurement equations. Subsequently, models for the sensor and actuator are introduced, and the effects of various factors on the sensors and actuators are considered. The square-root unscented Kalman filter is used to design the angles-only navigation filtering scheme. Additionally, the Clohessy--Wiltshire terminal guidance algorithm is introduced to obtain the theoretical relative motion trajectories during the rendezvous operations of two noncooperative spacecraft. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed angles-only navigation algorithm is verified using a semi-physical simulation platform. The results prove that an optical navigation camera combined with average accelerometers and occasional orbital maneuvers is feasible for spacecraft noncooperative rendezvous using angles-only navigation.
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