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Research Article | Open Access

Understanding travel behavior adjustment under COVID-19

Wenbin Yaoa,bJinqiang YucYing YangdNuo Chena,bSheng Jina,b,e( )Youwei HuaCongcong Baia,b
Institute of Intelligent Transportation Systems, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
Center for Balance Architecture, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China
Alibaba Cloud Computing Co. Ltd., Hangzhou, China
School of Behavioural and Health Sciences, Australian Catholic University, Sydney, Australia
Pengcheng Laboratory, Shenzhen, China

Institute of Intelligent Transportation Systems, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China.

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The outbreak and spreading of the COVID-19 pandemic have had a significant impact on transportation system. By analyzing the impact of the pandemic on the transportation system, the impact of the pandemic on the social economy can be reflected to a certain extent, and the effect of anti-pandemic policy implementation can also be evaluated. In addition, the analysis results are expected to provide support for policy optimization. Currently, most of the relevant studies analyze the impact of the pandemic on the overall transportation system from the macro perspective, while few studies quantitatively analyze the impact of the pandemic on individual spatiotemporal travel behavior. Based on the license plate recognition (LPR) data, this paper analyzes the spatiotemporal travel patterns of travelers in each stage of the pandemic progress, quantifies the change of travelers' spatiotemporal behaviors, and analyzes the adjustment of travelers' behaviors under the influence of the pandemic. There are three different behavior adjustment strategies under the influence of the pandemic, and the behavior adjustment is related to the individual's past travel habits. The paper quantitatively assesses the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on individual travel behavior. And the method proposed in this paper can be used to quantitatively assess the impact of any long-term emergency on individual micro travel behavior.



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Communications in Transportation Research
Article number: 100068
Cite this article:
Yao W, Yu J, Yang Y, et al. Understanding travel behavior adjustment under COVID-19. Communications in Transportation Research, 2022, 2(1): 100068.






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Received: 29 March 2022
Revised: 18 May 2022
Accepted: 18 May 2022
Published: 24 May 2022
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