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New records of Cantharellus species from the northwestern Himalayas of India

Kumari DeepikaaM. Sudhakara Reddya( )Ramesh C. Upadhyayb
Department of Biotechnology, Thapar University, Patiala 147004, India
Directorate of Mushroom Research, Solan 173213, Himachal Pradesh, India
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This study investigated several collections of the genus Cantharellus (Cantharellaceae) from the northwestern Himalayas, India, on the basis of morphology and molecular data. Phylogenetic relationships and species limits were investigated by using nuclear ribosomal large subunit sequences (LSU). We recognized 13 species: Cantharellus appalachiensis Petersen, C. cibarius Fries, C. lateritius (Berk) Singer, C. miniatescens Heinem, C. minor Peck, C. pseudoformosus and seven species, C. applanatus sp. nov., C. elongatipes sp. nov., C. fibrillosus sp. nov., C. himalayensis sp. nov., C. indicus sp. nov., C. natarajanii sp. nov., and C. umbonatus sp. nov., as new to science. All these species are described and their taxonomy and ecology are discussed. In addition, a key is provided to all the recognized species. The phylogenetic analysis recovered 10 major supported clades of Cantharellus species.



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Pages 205-220
Cite this article:
Deepika K, Sudhakara Reddy M, Upadhyay RC. New records of Cantharellus species from the northwestern Himalayas of India. Mycology, 2013, 4(4): 205-220.






Web of Science




Received: 28 December 2012
Accepted: 27 November 2013
Published: 02 January 2014
© 2013 Mycological Society of China