Open Access Original Article Issue
Suillus indicus sp. nov. (Boletales, Basidiomycota), a new boletoid fungus from northwestern Himalayas, India
Mycology 2015, 6 (1): 35-41
Published: 11 December 2014
Abstract Collect

The new species Suillus indicus is described based on the morpho-anatomical description and molecular analysis of basidiomes found in conifer forests of the northwestern Himalayas, India. Morphologically, the key diagnostic characteristics of the new taxon are brownish-orange to reddish-brown pileus with low obtuse umbo, brownish-red to reddish-brown fibrillose squamules over the pileal surface, and absence of fibrillose squamules and glandular dots on the stipe surface. Sequences derived from the internal transcribed spacer region of basidiomes and culture demonstrated that the species is clearly distinct from other known taxa of Suillus and new to science.

Open Access Article Issue
New records of Cantharellus species from the northwestern Himalayas of India
Mycology 2013, 4 (4): 205-220
Published: 02 January 2014
Abstract Collect

This study investigated several collections of the genus Cantharellus (Cantharellaceae) from the northwestern Himalayas, India, on the basis of morphology and molecular data. Phylogenetic relationships and species limits were investigated by using nuclear ribosomal large subunit sequences (LSU). We recognized 13 species: Cantharellus appalachiensis Petersen, C. cibarius Fries, C. lateritius (Berk) Singer, C. miniatescens Heinem, C. minor Peck, C. pseudoformosus and seven species, C. applanatus sp. nov., C. elongatipes sp. nov., C. fibrillosus sp. nov., C. himalayensis sp. nov., C. indicus sp. nov., C. natarajanii sp. nov., and C. umbonatus sp. nov., as new to science. All these species are described and their taxonomy and ecology are discussed. In addition, a key is provided to all the recognized species. The phylogenetic analysis recovered 10 major supported clades of Cantharellus species.

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