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Review | Open Access

Manufacturing Graphene and Graphene-based Nanocomposite for Piezoelectric Pressure Sensor Application: A Review

Musaab Khudhur Mohammed1( )Amer Al-Nafiey2Ghaleb Al-Dahash2
University of Babylon, College of Education for Pure Sciences, Department of Physics, Iraq
University of Babylon, College of science for women, Department of Laser Physics, Iraq
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Strain sensors have spread at present times, and their electrical resistance has been interpreted. In reality, the use of strain sensors has broadened the reach of technology and allowed us to track changes in the environment in various ways. In recent years, due to their distinctive properties, films based on advanced carbon nanomaterials have started applying sophistication sensing. The strength of the tailored material has been obtained in addition to the various functions applied to these nanomaterials due to the particular structure of the nanomaterials. A prime catalyst for developing nanoscale sensors was this excellent feature. Carbon nanomaterials-based films have been increasing widely due to the excellent properties of nanocomposite-based films for sensing applications (piezoelectric application). There is also an instinctive structure of nanomaterials so that the material is high. Carbon nanomaterials such as graphene are now an excellent alternative for the production of sensors for thermal, electric and mechanical reading.



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Nano Biomedicine and Engineering
Pages 27-35
Cite this article:
Mohammed MK, Al-Nafiey A, Al-Dahash G. Manufacturing Graphene and Graphene-based Nanocomposite for Piezoelectric Pressure Sensor Application: A Review. Nano Biomedicine and Engineering, 2021, 13(1): 27-35.










Received: 29 August 2020
Accepted: 15 December 2020
Published: 11 January 2021
© Musaab Khudhur Mohammed, Amer Al-Nafiey, and Ghaleb Al-Dahash.

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