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Synthesis of Hydroxyapatite Nanostructures Using Chemical Method

Marwa Abdul Muhsien Hassan()Asmaa Hadi MohammedWahab Basim Mahdi
Department of Physics, College of Science, Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, Iraq
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In this research, hydroxyapatite was prepared from natural and industrial sources using a simple chemical method. The fish (scales and bones), snail shells, bovine bones, horse bones, egg shells, cuttlefish bones and crab shells are composed by crystals of calcium carbonate (94%), organic matter (4%), calcium phosphate (1%) and magnesium carbonate (1%). EDX data for derived HAp from natural sources at 600 ℃, 800 ℃, 900 ℃ and 1100 ℃, respectively. Based on the EDX signatures, the Ca/P weight ratio for derived HAp was calculated and was found to be 1.67 at 600 ℃, 800 ℃, 900 ℃ and 1100 ℃, respectively. In the present work, it was found that XRD 2θ positions of the (bones, scales and shells) samples calcined at 600 ℃ and 1100 ℃ shifted by total error of 0.056 and 0.031, respectively, thus indicating that the HAp lattice has contracted due to loss of OH radicals. The peak at 1026-1049 cm-13) was attributed to triply degenerate asymmetric ν3(PO) stretching. The tetrahedral PO43- internal mode (ν1) observed at 960 cm-1 represents the symmetric stretching of the P-O bond. The position of this peak represents the degree of crystallinity of the material and confirmed that the prepared HAp had highly crystallized nature.


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Nano Biomedicine and Engineering
Pages 279-310
Cite this article:
Hassan MAM, Mohammed AH, Mahdi WB. Synthesis of Hydroxyapatite Nanostructures Using Chemical Method. Nano Biomedicine and Engineering, 2021, 13(3): 279-310. https://doi.org/10.5101/nbe.v13i3.p279-310
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