Tsinghua Science and Technology Open Access Editor-in-Chief: Jiaguang SUN
Keyword: sensor fusion
Open Access
A Robust Graph Optimization Realization of Tightly Coupled GNSS/INS Integrated Navigation System for Urban Vehicles
Published: 15 October 2018
2018, 23 (6): 724-732
Open Access
Anchor Self-Localization Algorithm Based on UWB Ranging and Inertial Measurements
Published: 05 December 2019
2019, 24 (6): 728-737
Open Access
Inertial Motion Tracking on Mobile and Wearable Devices: Recent Advancements and Challenges
Published: 20 April 2021
2021, 26 (5): 692-705
Open Access
A New Algorithm for the Establishing Data Association Between a Camera and a 2-D LIDAR
Published: 18 June 2014
2014, 19 (3): 314-322
Open Access
BASIL: Binary Anchor-Based Smart Indoor Localization
Available online: 29 April 2024
Total 5