Nano Biomedicine and Engineering Open Access Editor-in-Chief: Daxiang Cui
Keyword: nanocomposite
Research Article | Open Access
Facile Green Synthesis of Ag/AgCl Nanocomposite Using Durian Shell Extract and its Activity Against Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus
Published: 30 November 2022
2022, 14 (3): 225-235
Research Article | Open Access
Study the Exposure of Low-Level Laser on rGO/Ag NPs to Improve the Antibacterial Activity of Different Types of Bacteria
Published: 31 December 2022
2022, 14 (4): 367-374
Research Article | Open Access
Fabrication and Characterization of the PMMA/G/Ag Nanocomposite by Pulsed Laser Ablation (PLAL)
Published: 21 April 2022
2022, 14 (1): 15-22
Research Article | Open Access
Fabrication of N-Doped Graphene@TiO2 Nanocomposites for Its Adsorption and Absorbing Performance with Facile Recycling
Published: 26 May 2021
2021, 13 (2): 179-190
Research Article | Open Access
Bioactivity Behaviour of Osteoblasts on Commercially Pure Titanium with TiO2-ZrO2 Nanocomposite Mixture Coating
Published: 20 November 2019
2019, 11 (4): 361-367
Total 5