Nano Research Hybrid Editors-in-Chief: Yadong Li, Shoushan Fan
Keyword: graphene oxide
Research Article
Graphene oxide as an antimicrobial agent can extend the vase life of cut flowers
Published: 16 June 2018
2018, 11 (11): 6010-6022
Research Article
Can insulating graphene oxide contribute the enhanced conductivity and durability of silver nanowire coating?
Published: 16 April 2019
2019, 12 (7): 1571-1577
Research Article
A Functionalized Graphene Oxide–Iron Oxide Nanocomposite for Magnetically Targeted Drug Delivery, Photothermal Therapy, and Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Published: 11 February 2012
2012, 5 (3): 199-212
Research Article
Low-dose exposure to graphene oxide significantly increases the metal toxicity to macrophages by altering their cellular priming state
Published: 07 February 2018
2018, 11 (8): 4111-4122
Research Article
A novel wet-spinning method of manufacturing continuous bio-inspired composites based on graphene oxide and sodium alginate
Published: 09 January 2016
2016, 9 (3): 735-744
Research Article
Microfluidics-generated graphene oxide microspheres and their application to removal of perfluorooctane sulfonate from polluted water
Published: 11 January 2016
2016, 9 (3): 866-875
Research Article
Novel carbon nanohybrids as highly efficient magnetic resonance imaging contrast agents
Published: 22 November 2014
2015, 8 (4): 1259-1268
Research Article
Diffusive transport of two charge equivalent and structurally similar ruthenium complex ions through graphene oxide membranes
Published: 07 November 2014
2015, 8 (4): 1128-1138
Review Article
Recent advances in chemical modifications of graphene
Published: 28 November 2014
2015, 8 (4): 1039-1074
Research Article
Direct writing of graphene patterns and devices on graphene oxide films by inkjet reduction
Published: 28 October 2015
2015, 8 (12): 3954-3962
Total 37