Nano Research Hybrid Editors-in-Chief: Yadong Li, Shoushan Fan
Keyword: gold nanoparticles
Research Article
Aminosaccharide–gold nanoparticle assemblies as narrow-spectrum antibiotics against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
Published: 19 July 2018
2018, 11 (12): 6237-6243
Research Article
Regulation of the cellular uptake of nanoparticles by the orientation of helical polypeptides
Published: 22 February 2019
2019, 12 (4): 889-896
Research Article
Mass-production of flexible and transparent Te-Au nylon SERS substrate with excellent mechanical stability
Published: 29 May 2019
2019, 12 (6): 1483-1488
Research Article | Open Access
Unusual switchable peroxidase-mimicking nanozyme for the determination of proteolytic biomarker
Published: 27 November 2018
2019, 12 (3): 509-516
Research Article
Closely packed nanoparticle monolayer as a strain gauge fabricated by convective assembly at a confined angle
Published: 03 June 2014
2014, 7 (6): 824-834
Research Article
Gold nanoparticles with surface-anchored chiral poly(acryloyl-L(D)-valine) induce differential response on mesenchymal stem cell osteogenesis
Published: 10 September 2016
2016, 9 (12): 3683-3694
Research Article
Au nanocomposite enhanced electret film for triboelectric nanogenerator
Published: 22 May 2018
2018, 11 (6): 3096-3105
Research Article
Gold nanoparticles cause size-dependent inhibition of embryonic development during murine pregnancy
Published: 22 May 2018
2018, 11 (6): 3419-3433
Research Article | Open Access
Polarization effect in tip-enhanced infrared nanospectroscopy studies of the selective Y5 receptor antagonist Lu AA33810
Published: 04 April 2018
2018, 11 (8): 4401-4411
Research Article | Open Access
NGR-tagged nano-gold: A new CD13-selective carrier for cytokine delivery to tumors
Published: 29 September 2016
2016, 9 (5): 1393-1408
Total 44