Journal of Materiomics Open Access Editors-in-Chief: Jing-Feng Li, Samuel S. Mao, Cewen Nan
Keyword: supercapacitors
Open Access
Facile and secure synthesis of porous partially fluorinated graphene employing weakly coordinating anion for enhanced high-performance symmetric supercapacitor
Published: 18 May 2021
2022, 8 (1): 113-122
Research Article | Open Access
Microstructure optimization and electrochemical behavior of in-situ growth Ramsdellite-MnO2@NCA-LDH@CC for supercapacitors and oxygen evolution reaction catalysts
Published: 07 September 2023
2024, 10 (3): 552-565
Review Article | Open Access
Progress and challenges of ceramics for supercapacitors
Published: 10 March 2021
2021, 7 (6): 1198-1224
Total 3