Building Simulation Hybrid Editor-in-Chief: Da Yan
Keyword: climate change
Research Article | Open Access
Impact of passive climate adaptation measures and building orientation on the energy demand of a detached lightweight semi-portable building
Published: 30 August 2018
2018, 11 (6): 1163-1177
Research Article
Would LEED-UHI greenery and high albedo strategies mitigate climate change at neighborhood scale in Cairo, Egypt?
Published: 10 August 2018
2018, 11 (6): 1273-1288
Research Article
Climate change: Projections and implications to building energy use
Published: 27 February 2019
2019, 12 (4): 585-596
Research Article
Effectiveness of passive measures against climate change: Case studies in Central Italy
Published: 23 January 2017
2017, 10 (4): 459-479
Research Article
Application of adaptive comfort behaviors in Chilean social housing standards under the influence of climate change
Published: 24 June 2017
2017, 10 (6): 933-947
Research Article
A hybrid simulation approach to predict cooling energy demand for public housing in Hong Kong
Published: 28 May 2015
2015, 8 (6): 603-611
Research Article
Analysis of the effect of passive measures on the energy consumption and zero-energy prospects of residential buildings in Pakistan
Published: 15 November 2020
2021, 14 (4): 1325-1342
Research Article
Tradeoff between heating energy demand in winter and indoor overheating risk in summer constrained by building standards
Published: 06 November 2020
2021, 14 (4): 987-1003
Research Article
Impact assessment of climate change on buildings in Paraguay—Overheating risk under different future climate scenarios
Published: 16 April 2019
2019, 12 (6): 943-960
Research Article
A comparative study on energy demand through the adaptive thermal comfort approach considering climate change in office buildings of Spain
Published: 27 June 2019
2020, 13 (1): 51-63
Total 17