Forest Ecosystems Open Access Editors-in-Chief: John A. Kershaw, Osbert Jianxin Sun
Keyword: Forest age
Research | Open Access
Mapping forest age using National Forest Inventory, airborne laser scanning, and Sentinel-2 data
Published: 10 November 2020
2020, 7 (4): 60
Research | Open Access
Forest management required for consistent carbon sink in China's forest plantations
Published: 10 August 2021
2021, 8 (4): 54
Research Article | Open Access
Eucalyptus carbon stock estimation in subtropical regions with the modeling strategy of sample plots – airborne LiDAR – Landsat time series data
Published: 18 November 2023
2023, 10 (6): 100149
Research Article | Open Access
Aboveground carbon sequestration of Cunninghamia lanceolata forests: Magnitude and drivers
Published: 05 January 2024
2024, 11 (1): 100165
Total 4