Paper and Biomaterials Open Access Editor-in-Chief: Zhenlei Cao
Keyword: cellulose nanofibrils
Research Article | Open Access
An Alternative Strategy to Obtain Cellulose Nanofibrils from Parenchyma Cellulose of Bagasse Pith and the Performance of Its Nanopaper
Published: 25 April 2022
2022, 7 (2): 18-26
Research Article | Open Access
Preparation and Characterization of Cellulose Nanofibril-Waterborne Polyurethane Composite Films
Published: 25 January 2023
2023, 8 (1): 26-34
Original Article | Open Access
Simultaneous Extraction of Carboxylated Celulose Nanocrystals and Nanofibrils via Citric Acid Hydrolysis——A Sustainable Route
Published: 25 October 2017
2017, 2 (4): 19-26
Total 3