Journal of Science in Sport and Exercise Hybrid Editor-in-Chief: Yang Hu
Keyword: Exercise performance
Original Article
Creatine Supplementation Improves Physical Performance, Without Negative Effects on Health Markers, in Young Weightlifters
Published: 31 January 2022
2022, 4 (3): 255-265
Review Article
Targeted Application of Motor Learning Theory to Leverage Youth Neuroplasticity for Enhanced Injury-Resistance and Exercise Performance: OPTIMAL PREP
Published: 29 January 2021
2021, 3 (1): 17-36
Review Article
Practical Training Strategies to Apply Neuro-Mechanistic Motor Learning Principles to Facilitate Adaptations Towards Injury-Resistant Movement in Youth
Published: 21 October 2020
2021, 3 (1): 3-16
Review Article
Kinetics of Changes in Hemoglobin After Ascent to and Return from High Altitude
Published: 18 November 2019
2020, 2 (1): 7-14
Total 4