Chinese Journal of Aeronautics Open Access Editor-in-Chief: Xiaofeng Sun   
Keyword: Unsteady flow
Editorial | Open Access
Matched Volterra reduced-order model for an airfoil undergoing periodic translation
Published: 05 March 2023
2024, 37 (1): 19-23
Full Length Article | Open Access
Oscillation quenching and physical explanation on freeplay-based aeroelastic airfoil in transonic viscous flow
Published: 19 May 2023
2023, 36 (10): 124-136
Full Length Article | Open Access
Role of unsteady tip leakage flow in acoustic resonance inception of a multistage compressor
Published: 03 August 2023
2023, 36 (10): 165-181
Full Length Article | Open Access
Complicated flow in tip flow field of a compressor tandem cascade using delayed detached eddy simulation
Published: 01 April 2024
2024, 37 (8): 63-78
Total 4