Regular Paper Issue
wrBench: Comparing Cache Architectures and Coherency Protocols on ARMv8 Many-Core Systems
Journal of Computer Science and Technology 2023, 38(6): 1323-1338
Published: 15 November 2023
Abstract Collect

Cache performance is a critical design constraint for modern many-core systems. Since the cache often works in a "black-box" manner, it is difficult for the software to reason about the cache behavior to match the running software to the underlying hardware. To better support code optimization, we need to understand and characterize the cache behavior. While cache performance characterization is heavily studied on traditional x86 architectures, there is little work for understanding the cache implementations on emerging ARMv8-based many-cores. This paper presents a comprehensive study to evaluate the cache architecture design on three representative ARMv8 multi-cores, Phytium 2000+, ThunderX2, and Kunpeng 920 (KP920). To this end, we develop wrBench, a micro-benchmark suite to measure the realized latency and bandwidth of caches at different memory hierarchies when performing core-to-core communication. Our evaluation provides inter-core latency and bandwidth in different cache levels and coherency states for the three ARMv8 many-cores. The quantitative performance data is shown in tables. We mine the characteristics of caches and coherency protocols by analyzing the data for the three processors, Phytium 2000+, ThunderX2, and KP920. Our paper also provides discussions and guidelines for optimizing memory access on ARMv8 many-cores.

Open Access Issue
More Bang for Your Buck: Boosting Performance with Capped Power Consumption
Tsinghua Science and Technology 2021, 26(3): 370-383
Published: 12 October 2020
Abstract PDF (5.3 MB) Collect

Achieving faster performance without increasing power and energy consumption for computing systems is an outstanding challenge. This paper develops a novel resource allocation scheme for memory-bound applications running on High-Performance Computing (HPC) clusters, aiming to improve application performance without breaching peak power constraints and total energy consumption. Our scheme estimates how the number of processor cores and CPU frequency setting affects the application performance. It then uses the estimate to provide additional compute nodes to memory-bound applications if it is profitable to do so. We implement and apply our algorithm to 12 representative benchmarks from the NAS parallel benchmark and HPC Challenge (HPCC) benchmark suites and evaluate it on a representative HPC cluster. Experimental results show that our approach can effectively mitigate memory contention to improve application performance, and it achieves this without significantly increasing the peak power and overall energy consumption. Our approach obtains on average 12.69% performance improvement over the default resource allocation strategy, but uses 7.06% less total power, which translates into 17.77% energy savings.

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