The recent development of light field cameras has received growing interest, as their rich angular information has potential benefits for many computer vision tasks. In this paper, we introduce a novel method to obtain a dense disparity map by use of ground control points (GCPs) in the light field. Previous work optimizes the disparity map by local estimation which includes both reliable points and unreliable points. To reduce the negative effect of the unreliable points, we predict the disparity at non-GCPs from GCPs. Our method performs more robustly in shadow areas than previous methods based on GCP work, since we combine color information and local disparity. Experiments and comparisons on a public dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method.
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The ability of light gathering of plenoptic camera opens up new opportunities for a wide range of computer vision applications. An efficient and accurate method to calibrate plenoptic camera is crucial for its development. This paper describes a 10-intrinsic-parameter model for focused plenoptic camera with misalignment. By exploiting the relationship between the raw image features and the depth-scale information in the scene, we propose to estimate the intrinsic parameters from raw images directly, with a parallel biplanar board which provides depth prior. The proposed method enables an accurate decoding of light field on both angular and positional information, and guarantees a unique solution for the 10 intrinsic parameters in geometry. Experiments on both simulation and real scene data validate the performance of the proposed calibration method.