Open Access Issue
Part Supply Method for Mixed-Model Assembly Lines with Decentralized Supermarkets
Tsinghua Science and Technology 2016, 21 (4): 426-434
Published: 11 August 2016
Abstract PDF (6.9 MB) Collect

In-house part supply affects the efficiency of mixed-model assembly lines considerably. Hence, we propose a reliable Just-In-Time part supply strategy with the use of decentralized supermarkets. For a given production sequence and line layout, the proposed strategy schedules tow train routing and delivery problems jointly to minimize the number of employed town trains and the traveling time, while ensuring that stations never run out of parts. To solve this problem, a mathematical formulation is proposed for each sub-problem aiming at minimizing supply cost. Then, a dynamic programming algorithm for routing and a greedy algorithm for delivery are developed, both of which are of polynomial runtime. Finally, a computational study is implemented to validate the effectiveness of the strategy, and to investigate the effects of the delivery capacity of tow trains and storage capacity of stations on supply cost.

Open Access Issue
Real-Time Control for CPS of Digital Airplane Assembly with Robust H-Infinity Theory
Tsinghua Science and Technology 2015, 20 (4): 376-384
Published: 03 August 2015
Abstract PDF (7.7 MB) Collect

This study introduces a real-time controller design method under the effects of network time delay and external disturbance. The study first introduces the digital, virtual, intelligent trend of airplane assembly and reveals the status and problems of digital airplane assembly studies. The Cyber-Physical System (CPS) structure is then proposed for digital airplane assembly, and the real-time control issues are discussed. Then, the question of real-time control undertaken by a parallel robot is simplified to a control question with bounded time delay and complex interference, and a mathematical description is presented. Next, a robust H controller with a disturbance degree of decay γ is designed according to the mathematical description. Finally, a simulation is conducted. All of the experiment results show the feasibility of the above proposed methods.

Open Access Issue
Synergic Motion Trajectory Planning for Airplane Docking Based on 6PURU Parallel Mechanism
Tsinghua Science and Technology 2015, 20 (2): 188-199
Published: 23 April 2015
Abstract PDF (10.6 MB) Collect

Motion planning issues encountered in assembling airplanes by employing the 6PURU parallel mechanism are analyzed in this paper. A sine curve of the change rate of acceleration, which is called as jerk in the following text, is proposed for uniaxial flexible acceleration and deceleration planning based on the optimal time and velocity and acceleration constraints. Compared with other curves, the proposed curve can realize a continuous n-order derivative and the smooth change of the speed and acceleration. The method is computationally simple and suitable for programming. In addition, a multiaxial coordinated movement scheme is proposed. The motion trajectory is no longer simply split into many single-direction trajectories nor are all single-direction planning trajectories combined directly. The multiaxial coordinated movement scheme aims to achieve synergic movement in multiple directions to ensure smoothness of the movement in the event of a kinematic error when maintaining a stable value. If the movement fails to achieve this goal, driving force mutations will deteriorate the effect of synergic movement. A physical model of the parallel mechanism is developed in simMechanics, and a holistic system model is completed in SIMULINK. The feasibility of the new planning algorithm is simulated and tested, and then, the multiaxial synergic movement planning method is proposed and verified.

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