Open Access Issue
Smart Attendance System Based on Frequency Distribution Algorithm with Passive RFID Tags
Tsinghua Science and Technology 2020, 25(2): 217-226
Published: 02 September 2019
Abstract PDF (13.3 MB) Collect

Staff attendance information has always been an important part of corporate management. However, some opportunistic employees may consign others to punch their time cards, which hampers the authenticity of attendance and effectiveness of record keeping. Hence, it is necessary to develop an innovative anti-cheating system for office attendance. Radio-Frequency IDentification (RFID) offers new solutions to solve such problems because of its strong anti-interference capability and non-intrusiveness. In this paper, we present a smart attendance system that extracts distinguishable phase characteristics of individuals to enable recognition of various targets. A frequency distribution histogram is extracted as a fingerprint for recognition and the K-means clustering method is utilized for more fine-grained recognition of targets with similar features. Compared with traditional attendance mechanisms, RFID-based attendance systems are based on living biological characteristics, which greatly reduces the possibility of false records. To evaluate the performance of our system, we conducted extensive experiments. The results of which demonstrate the efficiency and accuracy of our system with an average accuracy of 92%. Moreover, the system evaluation shows that our design is robust against differences in the clothing worn and time of day, which further verifies the successful performance of our system.

Open Access Issue
Robust and Passive Motion Detection with COTS WiFi Devices
Tsinghua Science and Technology 2017, 22(4): 345-359
Published: 20 July 2017
Abstract PDF (1.8 MB) Collect

Device-free Passive (DfP) detection has received increasing attention for its ability to support various pervasive applications. Instead of relying on variable Received Signal Strength (RSS), most recent studies rely on finer-grained Channel State Information (CSI). However, existing methods have some limitations, in that they are effective only in the Line-Of-Sight (LOS) or for more than one moving individual. In this paper, we analyze the human motion effect on CSI and propose a novel scheme for Robust Passive Motion Detection (R-PMD). Since traditional low-pass filtering has a number of limitations with respect to data denoising, we adopt a novel Principal Component Analysis (PCA)-based filtering technique to capture the representative signals of human motion and extract the variance profile as the sensitive metric for human detection. In addition, existing schemes simply aggregate CSI values over all the antennas in MIMO systems. Instead, we investigate the sensing quality of each antenna and aggregate the best combination of antennas to achieve more accurate and robust detection. The R-PMD prototype uses off-the-shelf WiFi devices and the experimental results demonstrate that R-PMD achieves an average detection rate of 96.33% with a false alarm rate of 3.67%.

Open Access Issue
Surface Coverage Algorithm in Directional Sensor Networks for Three-Dimensional Complex Terrains
Tsinghua Science and Technology 2016, 21(4): 397-406
Published: 11 August 2016
Abstract PDF (34.3 MB) Collect

Coverage is an important issue in the area of wireless sensor networks, which reflects the monitoring quality of the sensor networks in scenes. Most sensor coverage research focuses on the ideal two-dimensional (2-D) plane and full three-dimensional (3-D) space. However, in many real-world applications, the target field is a 3-D complex surface, which makes conventional methods unsuitable. In this paper, we study the coverage problem in directional sensor networks for complex 3-D terrains, and design a new surface coverage algorithm. Based on a 3-D directional sensing model of nodes, this algorithm employs grid division, simulated annealing, and local optimum ideas to improve the area coverage ratio by optimizing the position coordinates and the deviation angles of the nodes, which results in coverage enhancement for complex 3-D terrains. We also conduct extensive simulations to evaluate the performance of our algorithms.

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