Open Access Issue
Survey on Data Analysis in Social Media: A Practical Application Aspect
Big Data Mining and Analytics 2020, 3(4): 259-279
Published: 16 November 2020
Abstract PDF (1.7 MB) Collect

Social media has more than three billion users sharing events, comments, and feelings throughout the world. It serves as a critical information source with large volumes, high velocity, and a wide variety of data. The previous studies on information spreading, relationship analyzing, and individual modeling, etc., have been heavily conducted to explore the tremendous social and commercial values of social media data. This survey studies the previous literature and the existing applications from a practical perspective. We outline a commonly used pipeline in building social media-based applications and focus on discussing available analysis techniques, such as topic analysis, time series analysis, sentiment analysis, and network analysis. After that, we present the impacts of such applications in three different areas, including disaster management, healthcare, and business. Finally, we list existing challenges and suggest promising future research directions in terms of data privacy, 5G wireless network, and multilingual support.

Open Access Issue
Spreading Social Influence with both Positive and Negative Opinions in Online Networks
Big Data Mining and Analytics 2019, 2(2): 100-117
Published: 21 May 2019
Abstract PDF (2 MB) Collect

Social networks are important media for spreading information, ideas, and influence among individuals. Most existing research focuses on understanding the characteristics of social networks, investigating how information is spread through the "word-of-mouth" effect of social networks, or exploring social influences among individuals and groups. However, most studies ignore negative influences among individuals and groups. Motivated by the goal of alleviating social problems, such as drinking, smoking, and gambling, and influence-spreading problems, such as promoting new products, we consider positive and negative influences, and propose a new optimization problem called the Minimum-sized Positive Influential Node Set (MPINS) selection problem to identify the minimum set of influential nodes such that every node in the network can be positively influenced by these selected nodes with no less than a threshold of θ. Our contributions are threefold. First, we prove that, under the independent cascade model considering positive and negative influences, MPINS is APX-hard. Subsequently, we present a greedy approximation algorithm to address the MPINS selection problem. Finally, to validate the proposed greedy algorithm, we conduct extensive simulations and experiments on random graphs and seven different real-world data sets that represent small-, medium-, and large-scale networks.

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