Research Article Issue
Transient simulation of a storage floor with a heating/cooling parallel pipe system
Building Simulation 2010, 3 (2): 105-115
Published: 19 March 2010
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The exact 2-D transient solution of a slab with an embedded array of parallel circular pipes for heating/cooling is developed. The boundary and initial conditions are: constant temperature at the pipe surface, upper slab surface subjected to convection heat transfer, thermal insulation at the slab bottom, and constant initial temperature. The analytical solution of the transient bi-dimensional problem is obtained together with the fluid temperature. A calculation example is analysed at the end of the paper to enlighten practical issues appearing in the computation of the analytical solution.

Research Article Issue
Thermal behavior of building walls in summer: Comparison of available analytical methods and experimental results for a case study
Building Simulation 2009, 2 (1): 3-18
Published: 26 April 2009
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There is a wide variety of thermal analyses that can be used to characterize the thermal behavior of a wall under certain outdoor conditions. The selection of a particular wall configuration for a building project involves not only the outdoor climate, but also the whole building characteristics, orientation, percentage of glazed areas, occupation periods, lifestyles, etc. In this paper we apply common available methods for wall thermal analysis to two particular wall types, a massive brick wall and an insulated brick wall, in order to compare the information given by each method and to evaluate how these methods can help in the selection of a certain type of wall. The studied methods include the estimation of the wall time lag and decrement factor, the harmonically heated slab model, the Athanassouli’s method, and numerical simulations. The study was performed for the walls of a residence for university students and it was built in La Pampa (Argentina). Once the building was finished, the transient thermal behavior of two walls was monitored during one summer week. The experimental results are presented and the fitting with the thermal behavior predicted by each method is discussed. The thermal comfort indicators PMV (predicted mean vote) and PPD (predicted percentage of dissatisfied) were calculated for two flats, at ground floor and first floor respectively.

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