Research Article Issue
The impact of hourly solar radiation model on building energy analysis in different climatic regions of Turkey
Building Simulation 2018, 11 (3): 483-495
Published: 10 November 2017
Abstract PDF (26.8 MB) Collect

The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of solar radiation models on the determination of energy performance of a single-family house assisted with renewable energy system including photovoltaic panels and solar water heater. An Angström-Prescott type solar radiation model was compared with Zhang and Huang model derived based on hourly meteorological data of 12 locations in Turkey. Since regression coefficients of the Zhang and Huang model are valid for China, new regression coefficients were derived by using local meteorological data. A clear distinction could not be observed in simulated annual heating load intensity for each model since the average relative deviation of the models’ results was 2.5%. However, the average deviation was 12.5% for space cooling load intensity. Primary energy ratings (PER) and the renewable energy ratio (RER) were determined for each location. For total PER, the highest deviation was 4.6% and 3.3% for Mersin and Muğla, respectively. For the other locations, this parameter deviates between 0.02%–2.11%. The highest RER was 18.6% for Mersin.

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